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“Jan Sandman is one of the finest practitioners of private integrated spiritual healing and balancing methodologies and one of the finest teachers of awareness, mindfulness, compassion, family systems and movement, in our current world. I comprehensively trust her personally and professionally and I recommend her without reservation.”


~Elizabeth Hin, White Rose Foundation~

Listening Into the Center... Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit


In a session, I draw from a vast body of knowledge, skills, experience, training, a deeply developed intuition, and an attunement of hearts. I carefully listen to your story, your words and language. How you describe what concerns you is as important as what you describe. I find that often language connects us to the very center of what we trying to express and deep listening can discern this.I observe your energy, your body and feel into how your story, your issue, your dream, your discomfort or your peace is living and manifesting through your body. Through my intuition, my heart and my hands, I tune into the living energy, the resonance of the bodymindspirit. Depending upon the focus or need articulated, I draw from everything I know to facilitate positive change.

Some sessions may utilize a lot of sound, some sessions may be gentle, deep Trager® based sessions. Some sessions may be highly emotional and cathartic, some may be energetically connecting clients to very altered states of consciousness and knowing, some may be movement based. All have the focus and intention of bringing about greater wholeness of oneself as a human being, an attainment to one’s path and essential self.

Authentic Movement


Authentic Movement is a simple yet deep practice which implements the wisdom of the physical body as a vehicle for inner knowing. As a result, profound inner acceptance and compassion for oneself and for others takes root and grows.

Energy Work


Energy Work can identify and release stressors that have been experienced and internalized and have become part of patterned behavior. The result is freedom from the stressor and the ability to make different choices in your life.

Sound Healing


Sound, from music to the sound of rain, drumming, breathing, toning, words, has a powerful affect on our well-being. Sound Healing is effective for physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual healing.

Trager® Movement Education


How would it feel to be at peace in your body? Light? Soft? Spacious? To be at peace in your body, to let it be: Trager® Movement work teaches this.

Family Constellations


Family Constellations workshops help release the inherited dynamics that underlie depression, anxieties, addictions & lack of joy.

Ceremony & Workshop Intensives

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I periodically facilitate ceremony in relationship to the Earth cycles and Earth needs.These are sometimes sound based ceremonies, sometimes movement based and more.In special circumstances, I am also open to facilitating ceremony for End of Life circumstances.

White Stones, Bones and Mist: Authentic Movement and Living Prayer


White Stones, Bones, and Mist: Authentic Movement and Living Prayer by Jan Sandman, describes the practice and process of Authentic Movement. The form and practice of this healing modality accesses the intrinsic wisdom of the body and fosters deep trust in its innate knowing, which often predates conscious memory. This awareness is collective and universal as well as personal, connected as we all are in an invisible golden web.


Read more about White Stones, Bones, and Mist: Authentic Movement and Living Prayer by Jan Sandman


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"Jan is a master healer: spiritual, emotional, and thereby physical.  Listening Into the Center is the perfect description of her practice.  She listens incredibly deeply to her clients' words, their physical and spiritual bodies, and into the non-physical realm of Great Mystery.  Then she masterfully consolidates all that she perceives and makes enlightening connections.  She communicates these connections through her words, sounds/vibration, touch, and rhythmic movement of the client's physical body.  Jan has helped me form meaningful relationships to my ancestors, get in touch with my emotions, and make major decisions in my life.  She has taught me a great deal about the nature of life and eternity and I consider her an important spiritual teacher in my life."

Evan Premo, musician

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174 Elm St.

Montpelier, Vermont 05602

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